
profile what you care, monitor how it goes

View the Project on GitHub r-kan/semile

semile :)

Why semile?
We semile bcoz it helps overcome the flaw/bottleneck of our programs

What is semile?

A profiling framework that provides the ability to monitor programs, in general of any programming language, by the following two pieces of information:

Difference with other profiling tools?

P.S. The user-provided semantic specifications (via the profile library) is necessary for semantic profile

System Requirement

python3 (viewer)
g++ (c/cpp profile library)

Dependent Library

dot (graphviz)

Viewer Demonstration

semile viewer PNG format sample
(PNG format)

semile viewer PNG format sample
(XML format, browse by

Profile Library

semile does not aim to profile all program execution, it only profile the execution specified via the profile library. Currently, cpp profile library is provided.

Tutorial: profile a cpp program

  1. Choose the statements to be profiled
  2. Have a SEMILE in same scope of the statements

And that's it!

In particular, a helpful way diagnosing is use SEMILE_MSG to leave custom footprint message.

Code example

void quicksort(vector<int>& x, int start_pos, int end_pos)
  SEMILE; // profile at beginning of the scope
  // SEMILE_N(abc); // or profile with custom name

Here, every quicksort execution will be profiled.
Nested, or recursive SEMILE is also possible.

void quicksort(vector<int>& x, int start_pos, int end_pos)
  SEMILE_MSG(GetStr(x, start_pos, end_pos));
  int pivot = start_pos;
  SEMILE_MSG("pivot: " + GetStr(x[pivot]) + "\\n");
  Swap(x, i, j);  
  SEMILE_MSG(GetStr(x[i]) + " <=> " + GetStr(x[j]) + "\\n");

After SEMILE, we can have SEMILE_MSG at any time to log profile message.
Here, internal flow of quicksort is revealed and combined to resulted profile.

One possible viewer generated PNG is then as follows:
(run quicksort 3 times with random inputs)
the viewer generated PNG for quicksort

Except c++, semile also profiles c sources via the c interface.

Tutorial: exploit the c interface

Due to the lack of RAII, semile support in c requires a pair of profile specifications:

Code example

void quicksort(int* x, int start_pos, int end_pos)
  void* inst = SEMILE_BEGIN;
  SEMILE_MSG_C(inst, GetStr(x, start_pos, end_pos));

It takes much care to handle SEMILE_END. However, be able to control directly the profile instance also gives much flexibility, e.g., conditional profile:

void* inst = NULL;
if (is_cared_run) {
  inst = SEMILE_BEGIN;

Finally, there are two ways to disable semile:


Please contact Rodney Kan by for any question/request/bug without hesitation.